Asset Protection In Bankruptcy Long Island

Helping People Protect Their Assets From Bankruptcy

Our approach to helping people get debt relief through the bankruptcy process is centered on understanding your problems and how we can guide and advise you to preserve your assets.

One of the most important pieces of advice we can offer you is to contact a Long Island bankruptcy attorney before trying to solve your debt problems by liquidating retirement accounts, borrowing from family, or taking other desperate measures. We can help you find the best option to seek legal debt relief sooner, rather than later. Asset protection is a critical component in representing you effectively.

Providing Straight, Informed Answers to Your Questions About Property

The Bankruptcy Code and the New York State Exemption laws are quite specific when it comes to distinguishing exempt assets (those you are allowed to keep after filing) from those that are non-exempt. As court-appointed bankruptcy trustees as well as experienced bankruptcy lawyers, we can accurately answer all your questions about asset protection. Generally speaking, either a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 filing will enable you to keep property such as:

  • Pensions and qualified retirement accounts such as IRAs and 401(k) plans
  • Life insurance policies
  • Most household goods and wearing apparel
  • Certain personal injury awards, workmen’s compensation awards, and disability benefits
  • Most vehicles
  • Your primary residence depends on valuation and mortgage debt

Whatever your situation, you can depend on caring counsel from experienced attorneys at Macco & Corey P.C.. If we can help you, we will tell you that. If bankruptcy is not a good solution for you, we will inform you. We will not file for bankruptcy unless it is beneficial to you and your family.

We are a debt relief agency. We help people obtain relief under the Bankruptcy Code.